iPhone 备份提取和浏览工具

浏览 Mac 或 PC 上 iPhone 和 iPad 备份的文件系统和数据。从备份中恢复任何文件,即便是加密备份也可以。编辑备份,进行高级修复和调整。

可用于 Mac 和 PC

从 iOS 备份浏览和提取文件

在强大的文件浏览器中,轻松查看 iTunes 备份的文件系统。在 iMazing 中直接读取加密的 iOS 备份并预览文件。只需拖放就能将整个文件夹拷贝至桌面。



就像在 iPhone 上一样查看数据。iMazing 搭载了专门的界面,用于查看照片、信息、通讯录、备忘录、语音备忘录、语音留言、通话记录和 App。恢复原始文件,或导出为 PDF、Excel、CSV 或文本格式。




兼容 Excel、Numbers 或 Google 表格




在 iMazing 中,备份是完全可以编辑的,即便加密备份也是如此。这样就保证了在恢复出错时可以进行挽救性的修复,以及不依靠越狱对设备进行有趣的调整。此外,如果您需要帮助或建议,我们的支持团队会随时效劳。他们热衷于解决最棘手的问题!

可编辑 可编辑
无需越狱 无需越狱
支持 支持

iMazing 备份提取工具

在 iPhone 和 iPad 上体验高级备份浏览和提取功能。iMazing 称得上是 Mac 和 PC 上最好的 iOS 设备管理器。

支持所有 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod。
兼容 Mac 和 Windows PC。
最新版本: 3.1.1. 更新时间 Mar 6, 2025 最新版本: 3.1.1. 更新时间 Mar 6, 2025 最新版本: 更新时间 Mar 7, 2025


Trustworthy software.

评论者 PB

iMazing is an excellent, well-thought out, improved alternative to iTunes backups. I rely on it every day and totally trust it with the most important tool I use daily..my mobile phone. I've been part of development teams for hardware and software and I can tell you without question, iMazing is a seriously well executed piece of software. Thanks to the fine team who put this together. You have made my life easier and my work safer.

Saved my life.

评论者 drdent

Before using iTunes and any other apple software you MUST do a backup with this software. It is fast, simple, inexpensive and easy to use. Following your iMazing backup no matter how hard iTunes tries to destroy your iPhone or iPad you will always have a full backup of everything. Also make SURE you get a backup using iMazing BEFORE EVER upgrading your iOS.

Truly a great software!

评论者 Mike

Truly a great software with rugged capabilities. I have been using it for years alongside with others that do the same thing, but iMazing is the only one that stood the test of time! It is just what anyone needs for the next level in Apple products backup versatility.
