传输 iPhone 备忘录和语音备忘录

将所有重要数据保存至电脑。您的 iPhone 和 iPad 数据已经过安全备份,您可以随时进行浏览:iMazing 可以轻松处理备忘录、语音邮件、通话记录和语音备忘录。

可用于 Mac 和 PC


您可以随时浏览和恢复旧文件。iMazing 可显示您的 iPhone 备忘录和语音备忘录,就像在设备上显示一样。搜索和取回旧备份中的数据。将其导出至 iPhone 或 iPad。只需点按几下即可完成。


在 Mac 或 PC 上浏览 iOS 备忘录。获取您的会议记录和购物清单,并从 iPhone 或 iPad 传输至电脑。

  • 浏览和导出所有备忘录
  • 将备忘录导出为文本或 PDF 文件
  • 单独保存附件



  • 从任何 iOS 设备导出语音备忘录
  • 在电脑上播放语音备忘录
  • 将原始音频文件传输至任何 PC 或 Mac

iMazing 数据传输

读取和备份 iPhone 的语音留言、通话历史记录、语音备忘录和备忘录。iMazing 功能强大、易于使用,可在 Mac 和 Windows 上运行。

支持所有 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod。
兼容 Mac 和 Windows PC。
最新版本: 3.1.1. 更新时间 Mar 6, 2025 最新版本: 3.1.1. 更新时间 Mar 6, 2025 最新版本: 更新时间 Mar 7, 2025


Export Notes directly from iPhone.

评论者 Eric

I found the notes export functionality very useful in transitioning to a new iPhone. The notes were quickly converted to text files, no muss, no fuss. And no iTunes! I see other potentially useful exporters and tools that I look forward to trying in the future.

Best sync utility for an iPhone.

评论者 Michael

The interface is well thought through with attention to detail. It grabs everything off your iPhone including stuff you probably didn't realize was there like voice memos, voicemail, etc. You can sync via lightning cable or WiFi. Well worth the price. You can export everything to multiple formats with one click which is very useful.

iMazing is just that!

评论者 Christopher Hopkins

The software recognized double voice memo files. The good news about this, the phone actually took two different sound files and placed them under the same stamp. So, when I backed up my voice memo's, one was a REPLACE ALL, and one was a SKIP ALL.
