

Mac と PCでご利用いただけます。

監理 & 構成




  • Windows PCまたはMacからiOSデバイスを監視/管理します
  • 監視対象のデバイスを管理します (パスコードを削除、壁紙を設定、プロファイルを表示せずにインストール…)

iMazing 管理



  • プロファイルをインストール、取得、または削除します
  • 弊社の埋め込みプロファイルエディタを使ってプロファイルを作成および編集できます

iMazing Profile Editor



  • アプリがインストールまたは削除されると、自動的にVPPライセンスを割り当て
  • 数回クリックするだけで、キオスクモードに設定または設定解除



Configurator (macOS限定):

  • デバイスを一括して構成およびプロビジョニング
  • ブループリントに基づくパワフルなワークフローが、MDM登録または移行を含む、複雑なタスクを自動化します。

iMazing Configurator

コマンドラインインターフェース (CLI)

iMazingのCLIをフル活用して、複雑なタスクを自動化しましょう。macOSおよびWindowsのどちらでも利用でき、簡単に展開できるiMazing CLIは、骨の折れるプロジェクトに最適なツールです:

  • 企業や団体のデータ取得
  • 整備/再生前のデバイスのチェックイン
  • SEC (米国証券取引委員会) コンプライアンスのためにメッセージをアーカイブ
  • その他…


コマンドラインインターフェース (CLI)



  • お好きな台数のデバイスに接続
  • ペアリングを管理: デバイスの削除、およびペアリング解除
  • デバイスが接続されているかどうかに関係なく、転送とバックアップを続行
  • 専用の進行状況レポート付きでジョブの同時進行に対応





  • デバイスごとのバックアップの履歴を維持
  • アーカイブのディスク使用率の最適化: ストレージをほとんど使用せずに数十のアーカイブを保管
  • 複数のデバイスに同時にバックアップを復元
  • バックアップを変更。パスワードが分かっている暗号化されたバックアップを含みます
  • 自動バックアップをWi-Fi経由でスケジュール
  • ブループリントとして変更されたバックアップを保存
  • 特定のバックアップを書き出ししたアーカイブ。単一ファイルまたはフォルダとしてアーカイブできます
  • アーカイブにラベルを追加。ロックして削除されることを防止します
  • 特定のAppデータを書き出しおよび復元詳しい情報
  • 複数のバックアップ場所を管理。場所には外部ハードドライブおよびNASが含まれます




  • 複数の表示および並び替えを搭載したパワフルなファイルブラウザ
  • デベロッパAppのサンドボックス全域にアクセス
  • デバイスがジェイルブレイクされた場合、完全なファイルシステムにアクセス
  • フォレンジック分析のためにデバイスのRAWデータを書き出し
  • デバイスまたはバックアップデータ内のSQLiteデータベース、および.plistファイルなどのファイルに直接アクセス



  • iOS/tvOSを再インストール
  • 最新のiOS/tvOSをダウンロードしてアップデート
  • 破損したOSから復旧
  • リカバリーおよびDFUモードに対応
  • IPSW画像をインストール
  • バックアップを復元時に自動的にiOSをアップデート


  • デバイスを簡単にコンピューターにペアリング
  • デバイスをペアリング解除
  • コンピューターからすべてのペアリング記録を一斉に削除
  • 新しいデバイス、または消去されたばかりのデバイスを自動的にアクティベート
  • デバイスをすばやく消去
  • デバイスに接続中にiTunesが起動するのを防止



  • 電池の充電、健康状態、寿命を分析
  • デバイスID、チップモデル番号、シリアル番号など高度な情報を取得
  • Appleによるデバイスのサポートの保証状況を確認
  • デバイス名を変更
  • デバイスのスリープ/システム終了/再起動を1クリックで始動
  • デバイスデータと設定をすべて消去
  • デバイスのシステムコンソールを表示
  • ログにアクセス、およびログを消去

iMazing Pro


MacおよびWindows PCとの互換性があります。
最新バージョン: 3.1.1. 更新日 Mar 6, 2025 最新バージョン: 3.1.1. 更新日 Mar 6, 2025 最新バージョン: 更新日 Mar 7, 2025


I love iMazing!

by Clark Morgan

You really don't have control of your Apple Device till you have iMazing. The features and options and it exposes are remarkable. I initially purchased iMazing to generate a clean, detailed log of text messages for a court battle I was in. It would not be unfair to say that it saved the day in this regard and should be in the arsenal of every attorney. But as time has passed, I have found so much more use for it and now it's an indispensable convenience.

Excellent product and top notch customer service.

by Kimberly Carpenter

I have used this product for years and it has been a fantastic resource to save to my computer the texts and voicemail messages from my phone that were important to me. The customer service experience I have had has been great- my emails are responded to quickly and you work with the same person during the entire process which helps immensely if you have additional questions. Overall, very satisfied with the product and service! Highly recommend!

The best!

by Suz

iMazing is by far the best software program and people I have been blessed with during chaos. iMazing blows it's competitors away in every aspect from what you can do, get access to, and store from your own iPhone that you didn't even know existed or was capable, including the service from real human beings that are kind, respond to emails, and want to help.

Saved my life

by Drdent

Before using iTunes and any other apple software you MUST do a backup with this software. It is fast, simple, inexpensive and easy to use. Following your imazing backup no matter how hard iTunes tries to destroy your iphone or ipad you will always have a full backup of everything. Also make SURE you get a backup using imazing BEFORE EVER upgrading your iOS.

Truly a great software!

by Mike

Truly a great software with rugged capabilities. I have been using it for years alongside with others that do the same thing, but iMazing is the only one that stood the test of time! It is just what anyone needs for the next level in Apple products backup versatility.

Software that works.

by Steve Peck

I needed to print my text from my iPhone. I installed the software, attached my phone and 2 clicks later I had my printout. Easy peasy!!!

iMazing ... Amazing.

by Guillaume Morissette

This software is just fire 🔥🔥🔥 Takes the headache out of iPhone backups and backup transfers. Stunning.

Best sync utility for an iPhone.

by Michael

The interface is well thought through with attention to detail. It grabs everything off your iPhone including stuff you probably didn't realize was there like voice memos, voicemail, etc. You can sync via lightning cable or WiFi. Well worth the price. You can export everything to multiple formats with one click which is very useful.

This product works without issues.

by Christopher Murphy

I have been a lawyer 44 years. Need reliability in software. This product has been perfect for downloading text messages for use in litigation. It works quickly and is far superior to Apple software and its messing around. Wouldn't be without it.

Export Notes directly from iPhone.

by Eric

I found the notes export functionality very useful in transitioning to a new iPhone. The notes were quickly converted to text files, no muss, no fuss. And no iTunes! I see other potentially useful exporters and tools that I look forward to trying in the future.

Excellent software.

by Lora Westberg

iMazing has so many awesome features. It makes transferring data between my iPhone and my Mac fast and easy, as well as transferring data between iPhones. I am able to backup and manage multiple devices which makes it much simpler to manage my families files.

I wouldn't own and iPhone without iMazing!

by Laurie

I don't know about everyone else but I wouldn't own and iPhone without iMazing Manager, you just plug your iPhone in to the computer and let iMazing do the rest for you. All I have to do is pick and choose what I want, you can't beat that.

Life saver program.

by Ellen Zaroff

I bought this to back up some texts I had which I needed for a legal reference but this program has just saved me when all my photos were erased in an Apple glitch...they had all been stored on iMazing. Am so happy with this product! Thoroughly recommend it for all the variety of access it gives you to your devices, which Apple makes such a pain.

Trustworthy software.

by PB

iMazing is an excellent, well-thought out, improved alternative to iTunes backups. I rely on it every day and totally trust it with the most important tool I use mobile phone. I've been part of development teams for hardware and software and I can tell you without question, iMazing is a seriously well executed piece of software. Thanks to the fine team who put this together. You have made my life easier and my work safer.

Useful, Elegant and Effective.

by Dewey M

iMazing takes the basic connectivity between my Mac and iPhone and brings it to a level which makes computer and phone practically one unit. Moving music, messages, web pages and more rom one to the other is simple and reliable. I can't think of another application I've tried which does as much as iMazing as well.
