Getting started with iMazing Mini

iMazing Mini welcome screen

iMazing Mini is a menu bar app for macOS and a system tray app for Windows. It backs up your iOS device automatically, wirelessly, and privately. Here, you'll find all the information you need to quickly start using iMazing Mini.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Download and install iMazing
    2. Connect your device
    3. Schedule automatic backups
  2. How does iMazing Mini work?
  3. What can I do with iMazing Mini?
  4. iMazing vs iMazing Mini
  5. iMazing Mini's interface
  6. Monitor your battery level
  7. Restore a backup
  8. Transfer media and files
  9. Device to device transfer
  10. iMazing Mini Preferences

1. Getting Started

1.1. Download and install iMazing

iMazing Mini is packaged with iMazing. iMazing is an application that needs to be installed on your Mac or Windows PC. You do not need to install anything on your iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Download and install iMazing on your Mac or PC computer.

If you already use iMazing

Just make sure to update to the latest version of iMazing.

1.2. Launch iMazing and connect your device

To use iMazing Mini, you'll need to connect your device to your computer with a USB cable.

When you connect your device, a wizard will open and guide you through the pairing process. Once paired with your computer, your device will automatically connect via Wi-Fi.

Trust your computer wizard

For more information on device pairing, see Connect your device to iMazing.

Supported devices

iMazing Mini supports all models of the following devices:

  • iPhone: all models
  • iPad: all models, Air, Mini and Pro included
  • iPod touch: all models

1.3. Schedule automatic backups

When you first connect your device to your computer, you'll be prompted to select your backup options. These options are set per device.

To ensure an optimal backup experience, make sure to greenlight (green status icon) all available options.

iMazing Device Settings Icon set to green

Important: To protect your data and enable backing up sensitive information such as Health Data and Passwords, we strongly recommend that you enable backup encryption for all of your devices.

Select Automatic Backups to schedule your device's automatic backups:

  • Choose your backups' frequency.
  • Set a timeframe for your preferred backup time.
  • Prevent backups from running if your battery is running low.

iMazing backup options

By default, iMazing Mini will back up your devices daily via Wi-Fi, and will keep one month of backups. Everything is customizable and well labelled: snoop around and don't hesitate to adjust default settings for a truly personalized backup experience!

2. How does iMazing Mini work?

Once you've configured automatic backups, iMazing Mini will automatically launch when you login to your Mac or PC. It runs it the background and periodically checks your backup schedule to back up your chosen devices automatically, to your computer or to the storage device of your choice, never online. And unlike iTunes or Finder backups, it maintains multiple snapshots of your backup which you can browse or restore.

3. What can I do with iMazing Mini?

iMazing Mini is mainly a backup tool, but we've also included quite a few handy extras!

BackupBack up your devices via Wi-Fi or USB. Configure how frequently and where each device should be backed up.
RestoreRestore a specific backup version. Restore everything in your backup, or go Pro with iMazing and restore only selected types of data and apps.
Battery MonitoringMonitor your devices' battery health. Get notified when the battery runs low.
Device InfoEasy access to UDID, Serial, IMEI, Chip Model, other advanced device info. Developers: discover our great device console.
Quick TransferDrag & drop photos, music and documents straight to your iOS device in iMazing Mini

4. iMazing Mini vs iMazing

iMazing, the Mini's older sibling, is your go-to application for advanced control over your devices and content. iMazing can do everything the Mini does, and packs in many additional features:

Browse View the contents of your devices or your backups - including iTunes/Finder backups (Free!).
TransferDevice to device data transfer: a backup and restore procedure merged into one, with the same control over what data to restore
ExportTransfer data from your device to your computer.
ImportTransfer data from your computer to your device.
AdvancedAdditional tools and features for power users, developers and enterprises.

To learn more about iMazing, see Getting started with iMazing.

5. Learn iMazing Mini's interface

iMazing Mini is a menu bar app for macOS and a system tray app for Windows. To open it, click the iMazing icon in your macOS menu bar or in the system tray section of Windows, located in the lower left corner. Open iMazing Mini GIF

Device List

The Device List displays all devices connected with your computer, or for which you already have a recent iMazing backup.

iMazing Mini's device List

The Device List shows you the date of the last backup, the device's disk usage breakdown, and its connection status.

backup iconDate and time of last backup.
battery iconMonitor your battery health.
usb iconConnection status: USB, Wi-Fi or Sleep.
menu iconAccess additional features, such as forgetting your device and checking its warranty.
settings iconAccess preferences, check for updates, send us feedback,...

💡 Tip: The Disk Usage bar is interactive. Try hovering your mouse's cursor over it!

Backup List

In the Device List, click on your device to open the Backup List. iMazing mini device List

The following actions are available from the Backup List:

restore backup iconRestore the selected backup
view iconBrowse your backup's contents in iMazing.
If you don't already have iMazing, you'll have the option to install it now.
Browsing backups in iMazing is 100% free!
backup iconBack up your device.
battery iconMonitor your device's battery's health.
settings iconAccess device and backup options.
back iconReturn to the device list.
information iconAccess advanced device info

6. Monitor your battery level

Click on the battery icon ( battery icon ) anywhere in the app to display the battery health window.

You can configure a low battery level notification, so that you don't forget to charge your device before running out the door.

For more information, see Check an iPhone or iPad's battery health and diagnostics.

7. Restore a backup

To restore a backup with iMazing Mini, click the restore icon (iMazing browse backup icon ) next to your device's name. This will open a wizard will guide you though the restore process.

💡 Tip: iMazing offers more restore options then iMazing Mini. To customize your restore , or restore to multiple devices at once, use iMazing

8. Transfer media and files

You can drag and drop files and folders straight to your Apple mobile device in iMazing Mini's window: iMazing Mini Quick Transfer Workflow

Simply pick a compatible app from the Quick Transfer screen, and your content will be copied immediately.

Learn more about Quick Transfer in this guide.

9. Device to device transfer

When using iMazing Mini, you first back up your device, then restore that backup to another device.

If you're looking for a faster way to transfer data from one device to another, you'll want to use iMazing.

For instructions on how to use iMazing's Device to device transfer, see Transfer data from an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to another device.

10. iMazing Mini Preferences

iMazing's Mini Preferences are organized by tab:


iMazing preferences general tab

Restart Mobile Device Services

Mobile Device Services are a suite of Apple drivers iMazing uses to communicate with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Restarting Mobile Device Services can resolve some connection issues.


Notifications tab in iMazing preferences

Disable notifications

When this box is ticked, you won't receive notifications for successful or failed backups,


Backup tab in iMazing Mini preferences

Default backup location

Location where iMazing will back up a newly connected device.

By default this location is set to the following:

  • macOS:
    /Users/<YOUR_USER_NAME>/Library/Application Support/iMazing/Backups
  • Windows:

Changing the default backup location will not move existing backups or change the backup location of already connected devices.


International tab in iMazing preferences

iMazing Mini's display language is by default set to automatically match your system language, but you can manually set it to another language.