
Tag: #imazing

How to Fix iOS 9 Stuck On Apple Logo After Restoring a Backup

Many users have had issues when restoring iOS 7 or iOS 8 backups to iOS 9 devices: the device stays stuck at the Apple Logo stage, and there doesn’t seem to be anything to do about it. Here’s a long Apple Forums thread on the issue. We’re currently...

6 Nov, 2015   |   Author: DigiDNA Team

#chipgate: Is your 6S A9 chip Samsung or TSMC?

To each iPhone release, its own -gate: after last year’s #bendgate, #chipgate is trending on Twitter. What are we talking about? Both Samsung and TSMC were contracted by Apple to manufacture the A9 chip found in the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.Samsung...

8 Oct, 2015   |   Author: DigiDNA Team