Learn iMazing's interface

  1. Home & Device Screens

  2. General Toolbar

    1. Refresh
    2. Search
    3. Operations Panel
    4. Manage License
    5. Help
  3. Home Screen
    1. Discover
    2. Unlock iMazing
    3. Devices
    4. Backups
      1. Backup Snapshots
      2. Archived Backups
      3. Load Backups
      4. Manage Backup Locations
    5. Configurator (macOS)
  4. Device Screen
    1. General
      1. Sidebar
      2. Connection Status
      3. Battery Level
      4. Device Info Popup
      5. Device Contextual Menu
      6. Switch Quickly from One Device to Another
      7. Backup Snapshots
      8. Navigate Back and Forth
      9. Refresh Data
      10. Search and Filtering
      11. Close Device
    2. Device Overview
      1. Data Shortcuts
      2. Device Info
      3. Quick Actions
      4. Storage Usage
      5. Battery Health
    3. Device Data
    4. Tools
    5. Device Settings
  5. Main Menu
    1. iMazing Preferences
    2. View
    3. Tools
    4. License
    5. Help
  6. File Browsing
    1. Browser Views
    2. File Path
    3. Browsing Area
    4. Bottom Toolbar

1. Home & Device Screens

The iMazing interface consists of two main parts: the home screen, where all your devices and backups are listed, and the device screen, where you can view a specific device or backup.

Home Screen iMazing 3 Devices Grid View

Device Screen iMazing 3 Device Overview

2. General Toolbar

The upper toolbar contains the following buttons:

2.1. Refresh - refreshes the current view
2.2. Search - search or filter the current view
2.3. Operations Panel - lists all current and completed operations
2.4. Unlock iMazing - buy or activate iMazing, manage your license or plan
2.5. Help - opens contextual help in your web browser

iMazing 3 Upper Toolbar

2.1. Refresh

Click the Refresh button to update the current view.

iMazing 3 Refresh - icon

2.2. Search

You can search or filter any content by typing into the search bar.

iMazing 3 Manage License - search bar

2.3. Operations Panel

The Operations panel displays all ongoing and past operations since you opened iMazing (e.g. importing music, exporting messages, ...)

iMazing 3 Operation Panel - icon

iMazing 3 Operation Panel

2.4. Manage License

First, purchase or activate iMazing. After it is activated, manage your license by clicking this icon.

iMazing 3 Manage License - icon

To unlock all of iMazing's features, you'll need to purchase a license and enter your activation code.

For more information, see Manage your iMazing license

2.5. Help

Anywhere in iMazing, the Help button opens a related iMazing Guide in your web browser.

iMazing 3 Help - icon

3. Home Screen

The usual iMazing workflow consists of selecting a device or backup from the iMazing home screen, then browsing a data section or triggering an action.

iMazing 3 Operation Panel

3.1. Discover

Explore iMazing's features and access them quickly.

iMazing 3 Home Screen - Discover Section

3.2. Unlock iMazing

This menu item is only visible when iMazing is running in trial mode. Click on Unlock iMazing to purchase an iMazing license, learn more about the free features available in trial mode, or activate it with a license code.

Unlock iMazing iMazing 3 Home Screen - Unlock Menu Item

iMazing Welcome Trial Window iMazing 3 - Welcome Trial Window

3.3. Devices

View all devices currently connected or previously paired with iMazing. A hint box is also available with a link for further information on how to connect and pair your devices with iMazing.

In this section, you can also adjust how the devices are displayed, either as a grid or in a detailed list view.

Devices Grid View iMazing 3 Home Screen - Devices Grid View

Devices List View iMazing 3 Home Screen - Devices List View

3.4. Backups

View all your device backups. Similar to the Devices section, you can alter the display of your backups, choosing between a grid or a detailed list view.

Backups Grid View iMazing 3 Home Screen - Backups Grid View

Backups List View iMazing 3 Home Screen - Backups Grid View

3.4.1. Backup Snapshots

A backup may include one or more snapshots. To view all backup snapshots, click on the Backup Snapshot menu.

iMazing 3 Backup Snapshots

Double-click on your backup snapshots to browse them. To manage or delete specific backup snapshots, select Backup Snapshots | Manage, as shown in the following screenshot.

3.4.2. Archived Backups

When iMazing loads a backup which is not the device's current main backup, it will display it as Archived Backup and will appear in gray-scale. This happens in the following cases:

  • Backup is of a device which you removed from iMazing
  • Backup is stored in a location which is not the current backup location of the device
  • Backup is an iTunes archived backup

Archived Backups can take a lot of space on your hard drive. These backups are often not needed anymore - check their contents before deleting them to regain storage space on your computer.

iMazing 3 Home Screen - Archived Backups

For further details on managing your backups with iMazing, refer to this guide: Manage your backups with iMazing

3.4.3. Load Backups

iMazing allows you to load backups from any location or add a location that contains multiple backups (backup disk). You can do this by clicking the + icon. Once a backup is loaded, it will appear in the Backups section, and its contents can be browsed.

Add Backup Menu iMazing 3 Home Screen - Add Backup Menu

  • Add iMazing File: Import a .imazing file, iMazing 1's default backup export format.
  • Add Backup Folder: Load a specific backup folder. When you select this option, iMazing will ask whether you want to copy the backup folder to your default backup location to see it always loaded, or if you want to open it from its current location.
  • Add Backup Disk: When you select a disk as your backup location, iMazing creates an iMazing.Backups folder at the root of that drive. Adding a backup disc loads all the backups inside the iMazing.Backups folder of the selected local, external or network drive.

3.4.4. Manage Backup Locations

You can manage backup locations by clicking the Gear icon.

Configure Backup Locations iMazing 3 Home Screen - Configure Backup Locations

Backup Location Preferences iMazing 3 Preferences - Backup Location Preferences

For further details on managing your backups with iMazing, refer to this guide: Manage your backups with iMazing

3.5. Configurator (macOS)

The Configurator section provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing Apple mobile devices in bulk. These features are included in the iMazing Business plans. The iMazing Configurator features are available with iMazing Business plans.

iMazing 3 Home Screen - Unlock Menu Item

For more info on the iMazing Configurator, please visit the following links:

💡 The iMazing Configurator blueprint editor is only available on macOS. However, you can apply blueprints exported from iMazing for macOS on a Windows PC.

4. Device Screen

The device screen provides access to all information, data, and tools specific to a device.

iMazing 3 Device Screen

4.1. General

4.1.1. Sidebar

In the sidebar, you'll find the main device info, connection status, battery level and the following 4 sections:

iMazing 3 Device Sidebar

4.1.2. Connection Status

The device's connection status icon is displayed in the device sidebar.

USB iconDevice is connected via USB
Wi-fi iconDevice is connected via Wi-Fi
Wi-fi icon animatediMazing is searching for the device
Sleep iconDevice is asleep
Backup iconiMazing could not connect to the device, but you can still browse its backed up contents

iMazing 3 Device Connection Status

4.1.3. Battery Level

The device's battery level is displayed in the device sidebar as well.

iMazing 3 Device Battery Level

4.1.4. Device Info Popup

You can access all device info by clicking the Info icon.

iMazing 3 Device Info Popup

4.1.5. Device Contextual Menu

The contextual menu offers quick access to all iMazing features. You can access it by clicking the 3 dots icon or by right-clicking the device image anywhere in the app.

iMazing 3 Device Contextual Menu

4.1.6. Switch Quickly from One Device to Another

You can swiftly transition between devices by clicking the Devices Menu, as indicated in the following screenshot.

iMazing 3 Devices Menu

4.1.7. Backup Snapshots Menu

When iMazing backs up your device and you've enabled Backup Snapshots in the Device Settings, it creates snapshots for each backup while optimizing the storage space needed on your computer. Double-click on your backup snapshots to browse them. Manage your backup snapshots by selecting Backup Snapshots | Manage, as shown in the following screenshot.

iMazing 3 Backup Snapshots

For more details on how to manage, edit, delete, or restore your backup snapshots with iMazing, please refer to this guide: Manage your backups with iMazing

4.1.8. Navigate Back and Forth

You can navigate back and forth using the Back and Forth buttons.

iMazing 3 Back and Forth Buttons

4.1.9. Refresh Data

You can refresh data anywhere in the app by using the Refresh icon.

iMazing 3 Refresh Icon

4.1.10. Search and Filtering

You can search for and filter displayed items at any time by typing in the search field.

iMazing 3 Search Field

4.1.11. Close Device

To close a device and return to the Home Screen, click the Close button.

iMazing 3 Close Device Button

4.2. Device Overview

This section offers shortcuts to primary data sections, quick actions, device information, storage usage, and battery diagnostic.

iMazing 3 Device Overview

4.2.1. Data Shortcuts

From here, you can quickly access main data sections and shortcuts. Click on More to view all data sections and shortcuts.

iMazing 3 Data Shortcuts

4.2.2. Device Info

All device information can be found here. Click on Show All to see the full list of device details.

iMazing 3 Device Info

iMazing 3 Full Device Details

💡 Tip: You can export all device information to a .txt file by clicking on Export.

For more information, refer to How to find an iPhone or iPad's UDID and other device info (serial,model, IMEI, ...)?

4.2.3. Quick Actions

This area provides access to the primary actions and tools for this device. Click on More to view all available actions and tools.

💡 Tip: When iMazing is minimized, some actions may not be visible until you scroll down.

iMazing 3 Quick Actions

4.2.4. Storage Usage

The Storage Usage bar provides a breakdown of the storage used by each type of data. Click the blue text to access a detailed pie chart and additional information related to disk usage.

iMazing 3 Storage Usage Overview

iMazing 3 Storage Usage

4.2.5. Battery Health

The battery health can be found in this area. Click on Details to access the full battery diagnostic.

iMazing 3 Battery Health

iMazing 3 Battery Diagnostic

For more information, see How to check an iPhone or iPad's battery health and diagnostics?

4.3. Device Data

To close a device and return to the Home Screen, click the Close button.

iMazing 3 Device Data

💡 Tip: You can create shortcuts to third-party apps installed on your device that have file sharing enabled by clicking New Shortcut. This creates a quick access to a dedicated file browser, allowing you to transfer files to and from a specific app.

4.4. Tools

In this section, you can access all the tools and actions available for this specific device.

iMazing 3 Device Tools

For more information, refer to Actions & Tools in iMazing.

4.5. Device Settings

In this section, you can modify iMazing settings for the chosen device, particularly all backup options. These include the backup location, encryption, snapshots, and automatic backups.

iMazing 3 Device Settings

For more details on the available options, please refer to: Device Settings in iMazing

5. Main Menu

In addition to the traditional File, Edit, and Help menus, the main menu provides access to iMazing's Preferences and to License Management options.

5.1. iMazing Preferences

General, Backups, Language settings and more can be accessed from iMazing's Preferences Window.

iMazing 3 Preferences Menu

5.2. View

From the View menu, you can manage options related to how iMazing displays some data browser views. You can also invert the appearance to control the iMazing interface in either Light or Dark mode.

iMazing 3 View Menu

5.3. Tools

The Tools menu offers shortcuts to launch other utilities included with iMazing:

iMazing 3 Tools Menu

5.4. License

The License menu provides access to iMazing's licensing management.

iMazing 3 License Menu

5.5. Help

The Help menu provides shortcuts to iMazing's Support Center, the iMazing Guided Tour, and social media pages, as well as options to send feedback or bug reports.

iMazing 3 Help

6. File Browsing

The Apps and File System sections share common features and actions that allow you to browse your files and copy them between your computer and your device:

5.1. Browser Views - change your view to icons, list or columns.
5.2. File Path - navigate to a different folder.
5.3. Browsing Area - select files or folder.
5.4. Bottom Toolbar - interact with your selection.

iMazing 3 File Browsing

6.1. Browser Views

Click one of the view buttons to change the view in the browsing area.

Mac Browser Views
Icons viewView objects as icons
List viewView objects as a list
Columns viewView objects as columns
Windows Browser Views
Large icons viewView objects as large icons.
Tiles viewView objects as tiles.
Icons viewView objects as icons.
List viewView objects as a list.
Details viewView objects' details.
Sort Files

From the List (macOS) or Details (Windows) view, you can sort your files by Name, Date Modified, Date Created, Size or Kind.

To sort your files, simply click one of the column headers.

iMazing 3 File Browsing - List View

6.2. File Path

Click on this dropdown menu to view or select a parent folder in the browsing area.

iMazing 3 File Browsing - Breadcump

6.3. Browsing Area

Where iMazing displays all files and folders in the selected view. This is where you can make your selection.

You can also drag and drop files to and from views that allow File Sharing.

iMazing 3 File Browsing

Warning: Some folders in the Browsing Area are read-only. For example, you can copy files to an app's Documents folder, but not to its Backups folder.

6.4. Bottom Toolbar

Access all available action for your selection from the bottom toolbar.

iMazing 3 File Browsing - Bottom Toolbar

Actions are contextual: depending on your view, some might be disabled (grayed out).

Copy to Mac/PCCopy files from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your computer.
Copy to DeviceCopy files from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
DeleteDelete the selected files from your device.
New FolderCreate a new folder at the current path.
New ShortcutCreate a new iMazing shortcut.
Get InfoGet information on the selected file or folder.
OptionsAccess options for the current view.

💡 Tip: Actions are also available by right-clicking inside of the browsing area.